ESAF Annual Meeting 2023 Gallery

See the annual meeting photo gallery here.
DAY 1, 11 September
18 | Welcome cocktail |
19 | Dinner. Speakers: – European University Alliances – a new bridge for European identity. Opportunities for science advice (presentation slides). Prof. Irina MACSINGA, Professor of psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University of Timișoara – Franklin A. CARRERO-MARTÍNEZ, Senior Director, Global Sustainability and Development & Science and Technology for Sustainability, The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |
DAY 2, 12 September. ESAF Annual Meeting 2023 | |
09:30 | Opening and introductions |
Chair: Prof. Mădălin BUNOIU, West University of Timisoara • Message from Prof. Marilen Gabriel PIRTEA, Rector of West University of Timisoara • Prof. Tudor PRISECARU, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Research • Prof. Tarmo SOOMERE, ESAF Chair, President of Estonian Academy of Sciences • Jaques VERRAES, Deputy Head of Science Policy, Advice, and Ethics Unit, European Commission |
Chair: Prof. Tarmo SOOMERE, Estonian Academy of Sciences • Research and Science Advice Systems in Romania. Prof. Tudor PRISECARU, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Research • Research Environment in Timișoara (presentation slides). Prof. Florin Alin SAVA, vice-rector for research, West University of Timisoara • The European Science for Policy ecosystem (presentation slides). Alessandro ALLEGRA, Policy Assistant to the Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission • “Towards sustainable food consumption. Promoting healthy, affordable, and sustainable food consumption choices”. GCSA Scientific Opinion published in June 2023 (presentation slides). Jacques VERRAES, Deputy Head of Science Policy, Advice, and Ethics Unit, European Commission |
11:30 | Coffee break |
Chair: Prof. Maria Chiara CARROZZA, President of the National Research Council of Italy • Key-note presentation: The emergence of the pseudo-scientific discourse: crisis of science or crisis of the public sphere? (presentation slides). Professor Alina BÂRGĂOANU, PhD. The Dean of the College of Communication and Public Relations, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, ROMANIA. Member of the advisory board of the European Digital Media Observatory, affiliate member of the European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, Helsinki. • Challenges to science advice in the context of AI ‘hallucinations’ (presentation slides). Franklin A. CARRERO-MARTÍNEZ, Senior Director, Global Sustainability and Development & Science and Technology for Sustainability, The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine • Undermining Trust: The Impact of Scientific Fraud on EU Financing and Research Integrity (presentation slides). Robert MISTRIK, Slovak Research and Development Agency • Ongoing SAM work on Artificial intelligence for research and innovation. European Commission (presentation slides). Jacques VERRAES, Deputy Head of Science Policy, Advice, and Ethics Unit, European Commission • DISCUSSION |
13:20 | Lunch |
Chair: Robert MISTRIK, Slovak Research and Development Agency • Warsaw Communiqué on Climate Change in Europe (presentation slides). Prof. Gerald HAUG, President of the German Academy of Science Leopoldina (remotely, represented by Dr. Lucien Brujan) • EU perspectives on evidence-informed policymaking in governance and public administrations (presentation slides). Agnieszka GADZINA-KOLODZIEJSKA, deputy Head of Unit Science for Democracy and Evidence-Informed Policy Making, Joint Research Centre • Speaking truth to power: towards building resilient democratic citizenry in a challenged legally based world order. Prof. Silviu ROGOBETE, PhD. Former Consul General of Romania in South Africa, Director of the Doctoral School of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science at West University of Timișoara • Interventions by ESAF members – recent changes in Science Advice Systems ESAF members • DISCUSSION |
16:00 | Convenience Break |
Chair: Prof. Tarmo SOOMERE • Overview of ESAF activities 2022–2023. Prof Tarmo SOOMERE, ESAF Chair • European Commission expectations on how to work together with ESAF. Alessandro ALLEGRA, Policy Assistant to the Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission • New statute of ESAF. Changes in Terms of Reference and membership agreement (presentation slides). Anne-Greet KEIZER and Members of the Working Group • Election of the new chair for the next 3 years. |
19:00 | Networking Dinner |
Date: 29–30 November (Starting time 14:30, 29 November; ending time 13:30, 30 November)
Venue: Research Council of Lithuania, Gedimino pr. 3, 01103 Vilnius
Moderator Prof. Tarmo Soomere, Chair of ESAF, President of Estonian Academy of Sciences
15:00 | Opening and introductions – Jacques Verraes, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation – Prof. Romas Baronas, Chairman of the Research Council of Lithuania – Prof. Jūras Banys, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences – Facts and figures about the Research Council of Lithuania: interplay of society, scientists, government and politicians (presentation slides). Dr Reda Cimmperman, Scientific Secretary, Research Council of Lithuania |
15:35 | Session 1. The role of science advice in rebuilding the society |
Introduction to the topic. Main activities of the Members and Secretariat of ESAF for ESAF purposes” (file) (Stand 27 Nov 2022) Prof. Tarmo Soomere, Chair of ESAF, President of Estonian Academy of Sciences |
Prof. Da-Chuan Cheng, Director of Science and Technology Division, the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania | |
How to advise your government on the challenges of a tilting world order? (presentation slides) Anne-Greet Keizer, Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) |
16:35 | Break |
16:50 | Keynote. Additional material “Action Steps for Rebuilding Ukraine’s Science, Research, and Innovation”. Vaughan Turekian, Executive Director Policy and Global Affairs, (remotely); Franklin Carrero-Martinez, Senior Director, Global Sustainability and Development & Science and Technology for Sustainability Policy and Global Affairs, U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine |
17:20 | Independent expert report: Strategic crisis management in the EU Dr. Maarja Kruusmaa, member of the EC Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, (remotely) |
17:35 | Keynote. Science in Ukraine: survive, transform, take the lead (presentation slides). Dr. Oleksiy Kolezhuk, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (remotely) |
18:05 | Roundtable discussion: How can ESAF collectively contribute to the rebuilding of societies |
19:00 | Dinner |
10:00 | Session 2. Recent developments |
Science for policy: developments in Finland (presentation slides) Dr. Jaakko Kuosmanen, Finnish Academy of Sciences |
10:40 | Session 3. The mandate and the future of ESAF |
Introduction of European Commission Staff Working Document: Supporting and connecting policymaking in the Member States with scientific research (presentation slides) Kristian Krieger, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; Jacques Verraes, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation |
11:35 | Break |
11:50 | Changes in ESAF ToR Prof. Tarmo Soomere, Chair of ESAF, President of Estonian Academy of Sciences |
12:10 | Roundtable discussion |
12:30-15:45 |
Dr. Mădălin Bunoiu, Romanian ESAF Representative, Chairman of the National Council for Research, Development and Innovation. Proposal for 2023 ESAF 9th Annual Meeting, Romania. (proposal slides) |
November 29, December 1, 2021. Tallinn, Estonia.
Photos by Aavo Kaine.
ESAF General Assembly 2021 (ESAF-7) “From local advice to global benefit” took place place from November 30 to December 1, at the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia as a hybrid event.
Background: The recent developments and challenges in the science advice ecosystem for policy include inter alia aspects such as (i) success of ad hoc groups, (ii) issues of legislation, mandate, and openness/embargo of provided advice, (iii) bottlenecks of sharing of operational advice between countries, (iv) links to sectorial and EU-level science advice.
It is time to discuss how to bind together country-scale advice with the benefit on regional and continent level. It is natural that governments listen first of all their own scientists, but the knowledge base of these scientists is global. There is no national mathematics or local pandemic. They are global but must be implemented or mitigated in local conditions. It is time to ask questions, such as: Where are the bottlenecks in these aspects? What could we do to reach better performance for everybody? How should we frame the role of ESAF in this context?
DAY 1, 30 November
14:30–15:00 Arrival, welcome coffee, free discussion
15:00–15:20 Opening and introductions
15:20–17:10 Session 1: Emerging science for policy ecosystem
17:10–17:25 Break
17:25–19:10 Session 2: Lessons and challenges
20:00 Dinner at restaurant “Pegasus” (address: Harju 1, Tallinn) (sorry, only for the participants in Tallinn 🙂 )
DAY 2, 1 December
9:30–10:00 Morning Coffee
10:00–12:30 Session 3: Steps into future
12:10–12:20 AOB and Conclusions
12:20–13:20 Lunch
On the 26th and 27th June, 2019 ESAF and the International Network of Government Science Advisors (INGSA) ran a joint meeting in Dublin. It brought together organisations in Europe with an interest in, and remit for, providing science based strategic policy advice and promoting the use of evidence in policymaking and government, including the EU group of Chief Scientific Advisors (EU GCSA) and the EU Joint Research Centre (EU JRC).
The programme consisted of an outstanding set of international speakers and panellists to address some of the most topical and compelling issues in the science policy interface. Highlights were keynotes from Commissioner Moedas and Baroness Onora O’Neill and a long workshop organised by ESAF, aimed at sharing best practices in providing science based strategic policy advice. ESAF members and associates from Austria, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland and Finland presented cases with lessons on the timing of and advice and the involvement of stakeholders. After a first reaction by a panel, a lively discussion with the audience followed.
The meeting was hosted by Professor Mark Ferguson, Director General of the Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland. With his excellent local team he organised the meeting at an historic venue at Trinity college Dublin, in the heart of Dublin city centre. We are very grateful for all their efforts.
During the event the ESAF members had a short closed meeting to discuss organisational ESAF-matters. At this meeting it was decided that the ESAF-6 meeting will take place in Ljubljana, June 2020. More information will follow when available.
Please find the programme of the ESAF/INGSA meeting here.
More photos of the meeting are available here.
The minutes of the closed ESAF meeting are available here.
On 26 and 27 June 2019 the joint ESAF / INGSA meeting will take place.
Please click here to view and download the programme.